All Al Jensen programs are Professional Meeting & Event Planner and Agent friendly.  We strongly encourage end users to coordinate an Al Jensen program through their professional meeting or event planner.  Your price will be the same whether you book your event through Al directly or through a planner.  Planners handle all the details and make the process infinitely smoother, so please ask your planner to make the arrangements on your behalf with Al.


The Choices We Make


The Choices We Make is a popular program which can be presented in a 15 minute inspirational talk, a 55 minute keynote or a 4 hour workshop. Designed to help attendees understand that they are in control of their success destiny through the choices they make. Everyone walks away from this program with a renewed sense of hope, inspiration and understanding of what it takes to achieve their business and life goals.


Welcome to Vegas- Beyond Blackjack, Buffets & Cirque du Soleil

A Las Vegas Insiders guide to Vegas beyond the strip. First timers and frequent visitors alike will love the insiders secrets to enjoying the entertainment capital of the world beyond the strip. Laced with comedy, magic and insider information, this is truly an Info-Tainment Spectacular! From 7 to 60 minutes depending on client desires.


Ideal for break-out sessions, spouse/partner programs or pre-meeting sessions, Welcome to Vegas is available on short notice if necessary.

Mormons, the Mob and Moguls - The History of Las Vegas

A look at where Las Vegas started and how it grew to become the most exciting city in the world. Presented in multi-media grandeur, this program leaves audience members with a connection to this truly amazing city. Flexible program length from 40 minutes to 3 hours and may be broken up into three separate sessions if needed.


Ideal for break-out sessions, spouse/partner programs or pre-meeting sessions The History of Las Vegas is available on short notice if necessary.


The MagicAL ExperienceTM 

A Comedy Magic show with audience participation and laughs galore. Leaves audiences not only laughing, but thoroughly amazed.


Perfect for banquets, after dinner programs, kick-off sessions or an end of the day change-of-pace program.  The MagicAL Experience show lasts from 15-75 minutes based on client desires.


Acres of HumorTM

Humor has become a recognized asset in the workplace. The principal reasons why humor is important: it energizes employees, helps facilitate communication, and build relationships.


Acres of HumorTM Is a proprietary program created by Al Jensen to help employees and employers alike discover the funny inside themselves and how to utilize that humor as an asset in the workplace.


Acres of HumorTM is a flexible program which can be delivered as a Keynote address, a breakout session or even a workshop format.



Make Your Message MagicalTM


What can you learn from a Las Vegas Comedy Magician who is the Immediate Past President of the Las Vegas Chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians?  You can learn how to add a little magic to your speeches, business presentations or even everyday conversations. 


Expert communicators understand that a significant key to getting a message across in a way that will influence the listener to absorb and retain the message is through vocal influences and non-verbal-influences. Some studies suggest that audiences will retain up to 90% of your message if you involve both their auditory as well as their kin-esthetic senses.   


Learn how to expand your abilities to use these techniques in Make Your Message Magical, available as a Keynote, Break-Out Session or even one-on-one coaching for those who want individualized attention and immediate results.


You are sure to stand out when you make your message more magical!