
Micro Bio:  Al Jensen uses comedy and magic to help people discover the “off-strip” fun side of Las Vegas


Short Bio:  "Magic"Al Jensen loves Las Vegas and loves to make audiences smile and laugh.  A lot.  Squeaky clean stand up comedy, magic, insider Vegas information, or a combination of all three, his "MagicAL Experience" is sure to leave audiences not only laughing, but thoroughly amazed.  38 years of speaking, training and entertaining, a Past- President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians in Las Vegas and performances for audiences from 1 to 101 years of age, MagicAL is the perfect choice for discriminating audiences. 


Medium Bio:  "Magic"Al Jensen loves Las Vegas and loves to make audiences smile and laugh.  A lot.  Squeaky clean stand-up comedy, magic, insider Vegas information, or a combination of all three, his "MagicAL Experience" is sure to leave audiences not only laughing, but thoroughly amazed. 

With more than 35 years of speaking, training and entertaining experience, a Past- President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians in Las Vegas, a finalist in the 2007 America’s Funniest Magician competition and countless performances for audiences from 1 to 101 years of age, MagicAL is the perfect choice for discriminating audiences. 


Long Bio:  “Magic” Al Jensen felt like he was a man living in a woman's body, then he was born, at an early age, in a small village in Central America: Iowa.  For quite some time he was quite pinkish and could barely see or speak.  His hands were so small he had to use the tiny cards that came as a prize in Cracker Jacks to perform the “three card monte” (which would later go on to become a favorite amongst street tricksters and hustlers).  He spent what seemed like months just lying around eating, drinking and making stinky in his diapers.  (Not far removed from what he is currently experiencing.)  Now, some 50 years later, he is a professional comedy magical entertainer, speaker, trainer, author and coach who has performed for, spoken to, trained and coached literally dozens of people.

MagicAL’s interest in making people laugh began when he was still quite short and fat.  He had a sharp and observant mind and a mind that was both observant and sharp, not to mention a mind that was quite sharp and observant.  With such a sharp, observant mind, naturally he wanted to become a brain scientist or rocket surgeon, but his parents encouraged him to take up comedy and magic.  They apparently didn’t know that, unlike a US Savings Bond that would eventually mature and make lots of money, a comedy magician would not.  He bucked the odds however and today he earns a……let’s just say “comfortable”, six figure income (if you count the two figures after the decimal point!)  There is no doubt that some day he will become a world famous comedy magician, speaker, author, trainer and coach, so the smart money is on seeing him now while he’s still affordable and you’ll be able to say you knew MagicAL when he was a nobody!

MagicAL currently resides in Las Vegas and spends his time developing side-splitting comedy magic routines, teaching elementary school students the art of magic at his summer camps and classes, teaching economic principles to students while volunteering for Junior Achievement, writing articles, booklets and books and coaching speakers on how to add a little magic to their presentations to become more memorable.  He is active in the Las Vegas chapter of the National Speakers Association, is an immediate Past-President of the Las Vegas chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians as well as the Charter Founder and President of KIDabra Las Vegas, the association children’s and family entertainers.  He performs his unique brand of comedy magic for audiences of all ages throughout the Las Vegas, Phoenix and Los Angeles areas.

His credentials go on and on.  He once performed for Einstein (Morty Einstein, of the Henderson Einstein’s), the Pahrump Home for the Criminally Insane and George Bush (of Bush Baked Bean fame).  He’s frequently compared to Lance Burton.  People are always saying “That MagicAL….he’s certainly no Lance Burton!”  He’s seen lots of comedians and several magic shows, including some live shows in Las Vegas.  He frequently eats at the International House of Pancakes (where they have yet to ban him from dining) and occasionally still works as a “before” model for Jenny Craig.

Note:  Portions above in italics are 100% true.  All other claims may or may not be 100% true, depending on what your definition of “true” is, give or take a lie or two.


MagicAL Experience Bio:   Al Jensen - Your Friend In Vegas,  has been interested in the magical arts since he was a teenager.  As an adult, Al has been the President of the Las Vegas Chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, the Founder and Charter President of KIDabra; the Childrens and Family Entertainers Association of Las Vegas, a member of the Academy of Magical Arts - the World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, and has performed at many of the Las Vegas strip hotel and casino properties.  He was a finalist in the 2007 World's Funniest Magician competition, a feature performer at the long running Stars of Magic show and is currently the Comedy Magician in Residence at the CUBE Theater in Las Vegas.